Fall Into Energy Savings This Autumn With These Energy Conservation Tips!

Admin  -   09:00 am  -   September 20th, 2024

The leaves are changing, kids are flocking back to school, and the smell of autumn is starting to permeate the air! That also means the heating season is right around the corner. While things like scheduling maintenance tune-ups, enrolling in service plans, and upgrading outdated equipment are all great ways to reduce your annual energy costs, a few simple energy conservation practices can help you save even more!


5 seasonal conservation tips to reduce energy costs include:

  1. Let the sunshine in. As the temperature starts to dip, you can use the heat from the sun to naturally heat your home. Remember to open your blinds or drapes during the day to capture the sunlight and avoid turning on your boiler or furnace during milder temperatures.
  1. Seal leaks and drafts. You don’t want to heat the whole neighborhood, but that’s exactly what you could be doing with a drafty home. Replace cracked or broken windows, and check around your doors for air leaks. Making sure your home is properly sealed will greatly help reduce energy waste.
  1. Switch the direction of your ceiling fans. During the fall and winter, your ceiling fans should spin in a clockwise direction. This will circulate the warm air that’s risen to the ceiling around the room.
  1. Don’t block your vents. Your vents allow the warm air traveling through your ducts to enter your home. If they are obstructed by drapes or furniture, you are blocking that valuable heated air from doing its job and forcing your equipment to work harder. Check around your home to make sure vents are open and allowed to do their job freely!
  2. Remove window air conditioners: If you use window air conditioning units in the summer, make sure you remove them in the winter! Window units allow cold air to leak into your home and lower the temperature inside.

The seasons are changing and the temperatures are falling, but by following a few simple conservation tips, you can make sure your energy costs at home fall, too!

Contact us to upgrade your comfort equipment or schedule a tune-up before winter!


Energy Conservation


Tommy's Tips