Flexible Payment Options and Discounts for Connecticut Heating Oil Services

Heating Oil Discounts for Central Connecticut Homes and Businesses
We know that everyone is looking to save on their home heating costs, and Spring Brook Ice & Fuel is here to help. Our discounts on heating oil can help customers save money and reduce costs.
Spring Brook Ice & Fuel offers the following heating oil discounts:
- Prompt Pay Discount (Non-budget customers) – 5¢ off per gallon -if you pay your bill within 10 days of delivery
- Senior Citizen Discount – 2¢ off per gallon
- Large Tank Discount – up to 15¢ off per gallon for large tanks
- Multi-Property Discount – up to 15¢ off per gallon
If you think you are eligible for a discount and are not seeing it reflected on your bills, please call or contact us today!

Budget Plans Help Manage Monthly Expenses
With a budget plan from Spring Brook Ice & Fuel, you can be secure in planning your monthly expenses. In Connecticut, homeowners will use almost 80% of their heating oil in just three or four winter months. Heating oil prices can vary every day similar to gasoline prices. Fluctuating prices can make it difficult to anticipate how much your fuel oil bill will be for each delivery. In some months you may need more than one delivery, too.
A budget plan will spread your anticipated annual heating bill across 12 months. You will pay the same amount each month. There are no additional charges to enroll in a budget plan, and no interest or fees.
Click here to enroll in a budget plan.
Guaranteed Value Plan (GVP)
The Guaranteed Value Plan (GVP) is a program to control the cost of your home heating oil. GVP protects you against rising heating oil prices and can include equal monthly budget payments every month of the year.
Our price protection program sets a maximum (ceiling) price per gallon on your heating oil, even if the daily price per gallon exceeds the maximum. You will not pay more than the ceiling price. And if prices drop, you will be guaranteed to pay the lower rate.
In order to be able to administer GVP, Spring Brook shares the cost of lower cost insurance with our customers. There is a nominal 1-time Guaranteed Value Plan (GVP) annual fee. This is payable at the start of the program (July 1) or can be included in your monthly budget payment plan (if applicable).
GVP is available each year from July 1 through June 30th. New customers can also join throughout the year.

Price protection is a great way to prevent large winter fuel oil bills, lower your heating costs and control your monthly expenses. Click here to enroll in a budget plan.