Discover The Future Of Heating: The Advantages Of Bioheat Fuel

Profile Image Admin  -   10:00 am  -   November 06th, 2024

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Connecticut winters can be tough. We deal with rain, hail, sleet, and snow most days, but one thing you can count on to help deliver a warm and cozy heating season is Bioheat® fuel!

Bioheat® fuel is a low-carbon, liquid renewable heating fuel that is as reliable as it is energy efficient. In addition to reducing carbon emissions and improving community health, Bioheat® fuel has many benefits for your heating system. The renewable biodiesel blended in our Bioheat® fuel is produced from a wide range of organic resources, including soybean oil, used cooking oil, other vegetable oils and recycled food and animal fats. It is a readily available solution to reducing carbon emissions and helping us reach net-zero carbon goals.

Spring Brook Ice & Fuel is committed to reducing carbon emissions, and every gallon of Bioheat® fuel we deliver or new energy-efficient piece of equipment we install moves us closer to our carbon emission goals.

The answer to carbon reduction is already in your fuel tank! A few of the benefits of renewable Bioheat® fuel include:

  • Increases the efficiency of your heating equipment
  • Reduces carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions
  • Improves community health
  • Supports American agriculture and business 
  • And more!

These are the clean, green facts! Bioheat® fuel:

  1. Contains renewable biodiesel, which acts as a natural lubricant to boost fuel efficiency and lower your carbon footprint.
  2. Helps protect your equipment and improve the lifespan of your boiler or furnace.
  3. Is a drop-in fuel and does not require any upgrades or expensive changes to your heating equipment.

This winter, embrace a cleaner, greener heating solution—because a warm home shouldn't come at the expense of the environment. Become a Spring Brook Ice & Fuel customer and join us in the journey toward a sustainable future!


Heating Oil


Carbon Reduction