Take The Sting Out Of Fuel Costs With A Budget Plan

Admin  -   10:00 am  -   June 27th, 2024

You will use 80 percent of your heating fuel over a few months in late fall and winter—just as you are trying to plan for holidays and gift buying! With a budget plan from Spring Brook Ice & Fuel, you can avoid the inconvenience of dealing with a high heating oil bill!

As a budget plan customer, we will calculate your heating costs for the year and divide them evenly across 12 months. This allows you to avoid volatile heating oil prices during the winter and always have the same predictable monthly payment.

In addition to providing comprehensive heating and cooling services to the Greater New Britain area, Spring Brook Ice & Fuel always tries to make budgeting your heating expenses as easy as possible!

Benefits of a budget plan include:


  • Free Enrollment: There is no additional fee to enroll in our budget plan. All you have to do is contact us today to begin the process, and we will handle the rest from there! Once we establish the monthly set price, you can plan for your year’s heating costs!


  • Predictable Payments: Instead of dealing with hefty heating oil bills during the winter, you can receive the same, lower monthly payment for your heating oil. This allows you to seamlessly include your heating payments for the year into your budget.


  • Peace of mind: You don’t have to stress about how much heating oil you are using during the winter or receiving two deliveries in the same month. You have the same payment for your heating oil, no matter what!

Take control of your heating costs this winter by enrolling in a budget plan with Spring Brook Ice & Fuel! If you’d like to learn more about the program or enroll, call us at (860) 225-6491 or contact us here!


Budget Plan



Home Comfort