The Convenience Of Automatic Heating Oil Deliveries: What You Need To Know

Admin  -   09:00 am  -   September 13th, 2024

We’re all familiar with that feeling of dread when we suddenly remember an important task we forgot to do earlier. Most of the time, it’s something small, like forgetting to take out the garbage, but if it’s forgetting to schedule your heating oil delivery, that could be a costly mistake! In addition to creating a heat and hot water emergency, running out of heating oil can damage your heating equipment and lead to expensive repairs.


Eliminate the need to check your fuel tank levels or race to schedule Bioheat® Fuel deliveries before running out by enrolling in automatic fuel delivery with Spring Brook Ice & Fuel! We combine your past fuel usage with a degree-day-tracking system to calculate your fuel levels and schedule deliveries.


The Benefits of Automatic Delivery Include:


  • Never Scheduling a Delivery: As an automatic delivery customer, scheduling your heating oil delivery is one less thing to worry about! Enjoy seamless comfort all season long without ever having to pick up the phone or log in to your online account to place an order.


  • Minimizing the Possibility of a Run-Out: Automatic delivery customers drastically reduce the chances of running out of heating fuel. Scheduling your own deliveries leaves the door open to forgetting or not placing an order on time and running out of fuel.


  • Uninterrupted Comfort: When it comes time for a delivery, our trucks will already be on the way. Automatic delivery frees you up to focus on other, more important things than checking your fuel tank levels and scheduling deliveries.


  • FREE Enrollment: There is no additional cost to enroll in our automatic delivery service! Join all our other satisfied customers and embrace the ultimate convenience of automatic fuel delivery.


September is the perfect time to enroll. The cold weather is starting to turn and you know pretty soon it will be here to stay. Enjoy uninterrupted comfort and the ultimate convenience of automatic fuel deliveries today!


Call (860) 225-6491 or fill out a contact form to inquire about enrollment.



Heating Oil
