How To Take Care Of Your Heating Oil Tank This Summer

Profile Image Admin  -   10:00 am  -   July 18th, 2024

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Summer’s here and it’s never too early to start preparing for the next heating season. An often-overlooked task during the warmer months is taking care of your heating oil tank.  Here are some key tips to ensure your tank is in tip-top shape during the off-season:


  • Conduct a Visual Inspection: Head down to your basement or go outside to take a look at your heating oil tank. Check the tank’s legs for damage, and look for warps, dents, rust, weeping (condensation outside the tank) or wet spots on the tank.


  • Get a Professional Inspection: While performing an inspection yourself is a great way to notice obvious damage, you cannot see damage inside your tank. Spring Brook Ice & Fuel’s technicians can perform an ultrasonic inspection and look at your fuel lines, test your oil, and check for internal corrosion to help you determine if you need a replacement.


  • Fill It Up: A partially-filled or empty tank is susceptible to moisture buildup, which can lead to a big problem when fall comes back around. It’s important to keep your tank full during the warmer months, so schedule a heating oil delivery today!


If you would like to take this all a step further, we offer the TankSure Program for a small added fee. The TankSure program covers up to $2500.00 in qualifying tank replacement credit in the event of a leak!


By following all of these simple tips, your heating oil tank will be ready for the heating season. You never know when a cold spell will strike.


Heating Oil

Storage Tank